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Yoast SEO XML Sitemaps: Functional specification

Any page which the user wishes to be discovered and indexed by search engines should be listed in an XML sitemap.

An individual XML sitemap should be constructed for each content type. Large sitemaps may be split into individual, paginated files. Each XML sitemap should be listed within an XML sitemap index.

Content types

XML sitemaps should be created for each of the following content types, providing that the content type is public and it contains valid members.

  • Posts, pages, and custom post types
  • Authors (users with at least one published, public, indexable post)
  • Custom post types
  • Taxonomies
  • Paginated states of multi-part posts/pages

In addition to the individual XML sitemaps, an XML sitemap index should be created, which references each of these sitemaps.

Pinging Google

Whenever an XML sitemap is updated (as a result of a post, page, or URL being created/updated), then the system should ping

Exclusions & empty sitemaps

The following conditions should lead to a page being excluded from (the appropriate) XML sitemap:

  • Posts/pages which are not eligible for indexing by search engines (i.e., any scenario which results in a page outputting a meta robots noindex directive via a meta tag or HTTP header)
  • Posts/pages which have a manual canonical URL set, which is not the same as their default canonical value
  • Private or password-protected pages
  • Error pages/states/templates
  • Search results pages
  • Paginated views of any type of archive (e.g., /blog/page/2/)
  • Non-public archives and taxonomies
  • All URLs, if/when the whole site is set to 'private' (e.g., in WordPress, when the Search Engine Visibility option is set to "Discourage search engines from indexing this site")

Some of these scenarios may lead to an XML sitemap (or the XML sitemap index) being empty. This is expected and permissible behavior.

Requests to non-existent sitemap URLs should return normal 404 behavior.


XML sitemap indexes

The index file contains a <sitemap> entry for each individual XML sitemap, each of which has a loc and lastmod property. E.g:

<sitemapindex xmlns="">
  • The loc property should reference the absolute URL of the XML sitemap in question
  • (Optional) The lastmod property should reflect the most recent lastmod value from within the XML sitemap in question

Optional properties may be omitted if unavailable.

URLs & redirects

The file should be accessible at /sitemap_index.xml. Requests to /sitemap.xml should redirect here.

XML sitemaps

Each sitemap contains a <url> entry for each page, comprised of a loc, lastmod, and image:image properties. E.g:

<urlset xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:image="" xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns="">
  • The loc property should reference the canonical URL (the permalink) of the post/page/object
  • (Optional) The lastmod property should reference the time at which the object was last updated. In the case of archives/similar, this should reflect the time at which the archive members last updated (e.g., for a given category, the last time a post was published in that category)
  • (Optional) An image:image property should be output for each image in / associated with a page, with:
    • A loc property (referencing the absolute URL of the image)

Optional properties may be omitted if unavailable.

Limits & pagination

By default, each sitemap can contain a limit of 1,000 items. If there are more than 1,000 items for a given content type, then (up to 50,000) additional sitemaps are generated to contain the overflow.

URLs & redirects

The URL of each sitemap should be constructed in the following format: {{type}}-sitemap{{n}}.xml, where:

  • {{type}} is the content type (e.g., page)
  • {{n}} is the pagination state (ignoring the first page in the series).

E.g., post-sitemap.xml, post-sitemap2.xml, custom_taxonomy_name-sitemap.xml.

Requests to sitemaps where {{n}} is 1 or 0 should trigger a 301 redirect to remove {{n}} (e.g., requests to post-sitemap1.xml and post-sitemap0.xml should redirect to post-sitemap.xml).

XSL stylesheets

Sitemap indexes and individual sitemaps reference an XSL file, which provides the layout and styling configurations for the page.

Indexing controls

XML sitemaps do not need to be indexed by search engines in order to be read or parsed. Therefore, a x-robots-tag HTTP header with a value of noindex, follow should returned with all XML sitemap responses.

Additional scenarios

Video sitemaps

Our Video SEO for WordPress plugin adds an additional video sitemap (at video-sitemap.xml, and included in the sitemap index) which contains information on each video hosted/referenced within site content.

For each page which contains video, the sitemap contains a <url> wrapper, with a <loc> value (the canonical URL / permalink of the page), and a <video:video> container for each video on the page. E.g:

<video:title><![CDATA[Example Video]]></video:title>
<video:description><![CDATA[Example video description]]></video:description>
<video:tag>Example tag</video:tag>
<video:tag>Another example tag</video:tag>
<video:uploader info="">Example Person</video:uploader>
  • title is the name of the video
  • description is the caption of the video, falling back to any available description of the video, falling back the URL of the video (e.g., the public YouTube URL of a video)
  • player_loc is a URL pointing to the video player
  • thumbnail_loc is the URL of a video thumbnail image
  • (Optional) publication date is the timestamp at which the video was 'published' (alternatively, uploaded)
  • (Optional) duration is the duration in seconds
  • (Optional) view_count is the number of views
  • (Optional) width and height are the dimensions of the embedded video in pixels
  • (Optional) tag is a series of the tags associated with the page/post in which the video is embedded
  • (Optional) family_friendly is a boolean value, configured in the video embed UI
  • (Optional) uploader is the name of the person who uploaded the video, with optional info property referencing a profile/homepage

The video XML sitemap uses a dedicated XSL file.

News sitemaps

Our News SEO for WordPress plugin adds an additional news sitemap (at news-sitemap.xml, and included in the sitemap index) which contains information news articles published on the site.

News sitemaps should only reference articles which were published or modified within the last 48 hours.

The sitemap contains a <url> wrapper, with a <loc> value (the canonical URL / permalink of the page), and a <news:news> container for each news article. E.g:

<urlset xmlns="" xmlns:news="" xmlns:image="">
<news:name>Example site name</news:name>
<news:title><![CDATA[Example post name]]></news:title>
  • is the Site Title (e.g., "Yoast")
  • publication.language is the language code of the article (in ISO 639 format)
  • publication_date is the date in W3C format
  • title is the post name of the article
  • (Optional) An image:image property should be output for each image in / associated with a page, with:
    • A loc property (referencing the absolute URL of the image)

The news XML sitemap uses a dedicated XSL file.