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Yoast SEO Premium changelog

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Out now: Yoast SEO 16.3! This release helps you with one of the key aspects of modern SEO: Structured data. Yoast SEO 16.3 comes with a lot of enhancements for the implementation. You can now enhance your personal profile in Schema, for instance! Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 16.3 in our release post!



  • Fixes a bug where users with a role of Editor, or SEO Manager, or SEO Editor could no longer access the administration page to manage the Redirects.
  • Fixes a bug where the protocol instead of the domain would be displayed in the social previews.


Yoast SEO Premium 16.1 is out today! It features several fixes that make the plugin chug along nicely. Happy updating! Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO Premium 16.1 in our release post!


  • Fixes a bug where the Insights and Link suggestions features would always be re-enabled upon plugin activation, even if the user had disabled them.
  • Fixes a bug where upgrade routines would only be run in the admin, which meant they would not be triggered when updating the plugin via the CLI without visiting the admin.
  • Fixes a bug where the Premium as an addon installation status could be reset when it didn't have to be.



  • Fixes a bug where the “Activate your subscription” link would be in the wrong place on the Plugins page. Sorry for the confusion.
  • Fixes a bug where the strip category base class would be wrongly instantiated under specific circumstances.



  • Fixes a bug where a fatal error would occur on plugin activation if Yoast SEO was not activated and the automatic installation for Yoast SEO had been completed successfully before.



  • Upgrades the automatic installation of Yoast SEO to install Yoast SEO 16.0.1.


Yoast SEO 16.0: The Sweet Sixteen release is out! It comes with several fixes and improvements. Happy updating and thank you for using Yoast SEO Premium! Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 16.0 in our release post!


  • Yoast SEO Premium now requires Yoast SEO to be installed and activated. The first time you upgrade to Yoast SEO Premium 16.0, Yoast SEO 16.0 will automatically be installed and activated for you.
  • Hides the 'deactivate' button for Yoast SEO on the Plugins page, as long as Yoast SEO Premium is active, because Yoast SEO Premium cannot function properly without Yoast SEO. When Yoast SEO Premium is deactivated, the 'deactivate' button for Yoast SEO will reappear.
  • Sets the minimum supported WordPress version to 5.6.
  • Includes every change in Yoast SEO core 16.0. See the core changelog.



  • Fixes a bug where Zapier calls would not trigger in timezones west of GMT.
  • Fixes a bug where a deprecation notice was displayed in the Redirects page when using WordPress 5.7.


  • Includes every change in Yoast SEO core 15.9.2. See the core changelog.


Welcome to Yoast SEO 15.9.1! This release contains an improvement for the FAQ block schema output, and makes sure the plugin is compatible with WordPress Core's auto-update feature and robots changes. Read more about those changes in our post about Yoast SEO 15.9.1 and WordPress 5.7!


  • Adds a notification to prompt users to enable auto-updates for Yoast SEO Premium, in case they also have auto-updates for WordPress Core enabled.
  • Enables/disables auto-updates for the Yoast Woocommerce, News, Video and Local SEO plugins when auto-updates for Yoast SEO Premium are enabled/disabled.
  • Includes every change in Yoast SEO core 15.9.1. See the core changelog.


Yoast SEO 15.9 is out! This release comes with performance improvements and general enhancements. Happy updating and thanks for using Yoast SEO Premium! Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 15.9 in our release post!


  • Improves the performance of loading redirects.
  • Fixes possible misinterpretations or deprecation errors in the redirect manager due to an outdated SQL operator.


  • Fixes a bug where Yoast SEO instead of Yoast SEO Premium would be shown as the plugin name in the taxonomy metabox in Internet Explorer.




  • Fixes a bug where JavaScript and CSS files were missing for customers who downloaded 15.8.1 immediately after it was released.



  • Fixes a bug where no Zapier API key would be generated when enabling the Zapier integration.


Say hi to Yoast SEO 15.8! This release comes with a brand-new breadcrumbs block for the block editor. Try it out and guide your users - and Google! Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 15.8 in our release post!


  • You no longer have to type your name and email address when you send a support request via the HelpScout beacon. They’re taken from your WordPress profile.


  • Fixes a bug where the wrong HelpScout beacon would load, thus not showing an ‘Ask’ option.
  • Fixes a bug where the Estimated Reading Time icon placeholder would be output as ICON_PLACEHOLDER when the post content was rendered directly, for example in a Latest Posts block. The icon is no longer visible when the post content is rendered directly.



Meet Yoast SEO 15.7! Do you already use the state-of-the-art Premium analysis in Yoast SEO? Great! It now also comes with full language support for Turkish! Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 15.7 in our release post!


  • Introduces word form support for Turkish.
  • Adds block previews for the table of contents block, the related links block and the estimated reading time block.


  • Fixes a bug where the Estimated Reading Time block would not handle the icon correctly for non-administrator and non-editor users. The affected posts need to be saved again in order to add the icon on the frontend.
  • Fixes a bug where the Estimated Reading Time block would not support additional CSS classes.



Say hi to Yoast SEO 15.6! You can now add an Estimated reading time block to your posts! You can also find the estimated reading time in the Insights Tab on your posts/pages. Plus: Word form support for Norwegian writers! Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 15.6 in our release post!


  • Adds a Block Editor block that shows the estimated reading time for a Page or Post.
  • Adds the estimated reading time to the Insights Modal.
  • Introduces word form support for Norwegian.


  • Fixes a bug where the Yoast siblings and subpages blocks were not active in certain edge cases.


  • Reduces JavaScript bundle sizes, which should result in slightly faster page loads of the editor.
  • Includes every change in Yoast SEO core 15.6. See the core changelog.


Out now: Yoast SEO 15.5! In this release, you’ll find full language support for Hungarian!
This means that Yoast SEO recognizes different word forms of your focus keyphrase. Helping for better readability and for you to rank better! Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 15.5 in our release post!


  • Introduces word form support for Hungarian.



It’s here: Yoast SEO 15.4! In this release, you’ll find a seamless, easy-to-use integration of Yoast SEO with Elementor. Building websites and optimizing content for the search engines now in one workflow! Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 15.4 in our release post!



Out now: Yoast SEO 15.3! In this release, you’ll find the new Zapier integration that makes it easy as ABC to share your content. Use zaps to automatically share your published posts! You’ll also find full language support for Hebrew in our analysis, helping you write high-quality content! Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 15.3 in our release post!


  • Adds an integration with Zapier to easily create zaps that instantly share your published posts with 2000+ destinations like Twitter, Facebook, and more. This is released in beta.
  • Introduces word form support for Hebrew.




  • Fixes a bug where a fatal error would be thrown on the post edit screen in cases where SEO data had never been indexed.



  • Adds buttons to easily add related keyphrases from the SEMrush integration.
  • Improves the styling of the link suggestions by adding labels and showing just one list of items.
  • Adds an activation link to the plugins overview page that is shown when your plugin is not activated in MyYoast.
  • Always shows a link to the FAQ on the plugins overview page.


  • Fixes a bug where the related links block would thrown an error when the metabox was disabled.


  • Integrates the internal linking suggestions indexing tool on the tools page into the general indexing tool of Yoast SEO.
  • Includes every change in Yoast SEO core 15.1. See the core changelog.



  • Introduces word form support for Arabic.
  • Introduces a new table of contents block. In order for the table of contents block to work, all heading blocks will automatically have anchors generated for them.
  • Improves internal linking suggestions for languages without function word recognition by increasing the number of prominent words that are saved for a post, page or term.
  • Improves internal linking suggestions and insights for Arabic and Urdu by improving the prominent word recognition when words in the text occur with specific punctuation marks.


  • Fixes a bug where no plugin icon and compatibility data would be displayed on the plugins update screen.


  • Removes the feedback link underneath the focus keyphrase input field.
  • Includes every change in Yoast SEO core 15.0. See the core changelog.



  • Adds word form functionality for Polish.
  • Improves internal linking suggestions and Insights for Hebrew by filtering function words.


  • Fixes a bug where a PHP error would be thrown about the WPSEO_Replace_Vars service being private.




  • Adds the Yoast Related Posts block which generates a list of links to related posts.
  • Improves the text of the user feedback link in the SEO analysis tab and shows it for all languages.
  • Improves internal linking suggestions and Insights for Arabic by filtering function words.


  • Fixes a bug where opening the sidebar would make the user feedback link disappear inside the metabox.


  • Sets minimum supported WordPress version to 5.4.
  • Includes every change in Yoast SEO core 14.8. See the core changelog.



  • Adds a siblings block and a subpages blocks which can be used to improve internal linking.


  • Fixes a bug where an empty string set as rest_base for a post type would give JavaScript errors.




  • Adds a fix for French nouns ending in -ition and -itions (e.g., supposition, suppositions) so that they can be recognized and matched with the corresponding verb and/or adjective (e.g., supposer).
  • Improves recognition of first person plural verb forms in French (e.g., chantons).
  • Adds keyphrase recognition for infinitives in Russian on ть (ать, ять, еть) and improves recognition of perfective infinitives in Russian on уть (блеснуть).




  • Fixes a bug where the buttons in several notifications didn't work.


  • Adds word form support for Russian.
  • Improves keyphrase recognition in French when the keyphrase contains a word which gets the -x suffix in plural (e.g., jeux).
  • Improves keyphrase recognition in French when the keyphrase contains irregular nouns or adjectives.
  • Improves keyphrase recognition in French when the keyphrase contains words ending in -issement(s).
  • Updates the copy of the notification displayed when the Premium plugin subscription isn't activated.




  • Fixes a bug where the styling of the score column heading on the post overview would be broken.
  • Fixes a bug when the keyphrase distribution assessment might return skewed results if a text contains lists of single words.


  • Adds word forms support for French (beta version).
  • Improves the way Dutch diminutive nouns are recognized as forms of the keyphrase.




  • Adds word form support for Spanish.


  • Fixes a bug where the text analysis would break if the text contains the word "Ying".




  • Replaces the use of the deprecated category_link filter by term_link. Props to Chouby



  • Adds word form support for Dutch.




  • Fixes a bug where the redirect file for apache or nginx wasn't written.
